Who Are the JRI-Poland Users?
We took a look at the profiles of the registered users of the JRI-Poland “NextGen” database. Here’s what we found:
To use the JRI-Poland website, one must become a registered user. And, as we begin 2025, we have 48,500 users. 28,300 users have not told us which country they live in; however, here, in round numbers are what we do see:
9700 users say that they live in the United States; 2265 in Israel; 1790 in Poland; 1280 in the United Kingdom; 1000 in Canada; 730 in France; 610 in Australia; 470 in Argentina; and, 330 in Brazil.
About 15 years ago, we posted something saying that JRI-Poland had volunteers on 6 continents – and someone promptly wrote in that she was in Antarctica and so it was all 7 continents. We had no way of verifying her claim… so if you are in Antarctica now and reading this, please contact us and let us know! (grin) However, it inspired this review so many years later.
We have no way to tell if the following is accurate, but our users seem to be world travelers and some of the more unusual places our users live in 2025 include: Afghanistan (2); Belarus (27); Cambodia (1); China (3) and Hong Kong (5); Cuba (2); Dominican Republic (3); Gibraltar (2); Guyana (1); Honduras (1); India (3); Indonesia (1); Jamaica (1); Kazakhstan (11); Laos (1); Lebanon (1); Malaysia (1); Moldova (4); Russia/Russian Federation (256); Turkey (7); Ukraine (135); Saudi Arabia (1); Tajikstan (1); and Vietnam (1).